In search of a job where I can use my love of words to serve others. If you know of a job opening in the Austin, Texas area (or telecommute), please send me a link.
For more detail on my skills and experience: linkedin.com/in/jimiripleyblack
Each job is a learning experience. Sometimes those experiences take you in unexpected directions. This time, I learned that I want to do something else. I'm open to possibilities.
Each job is a learning experience. Sometimes those experiences take you in unexpected directions. This time, I learned that I want to do something else. I'm open to possibilities.
I could:
- Continue communications work in a different context.
- Learn new skills to change career direction.
- Expand on my experience as a web author and administrator.
- Build on my writing and editing experience.
- Explore my recently discovered love of teaching.
- Use my soft skills to fulfill a need.
- Broaden my love of learning and research.
- Work with one of my previous teams in a new capacity.
- Contribute my skills to the work of a new team.
- Do something else I can't even imagine right now.
I will step through the door that opens. Growth comes from challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone. I am ready.