Monday, August 1, 2011

Participating in the Belly Button Biodiversity Project

My July 10 blog about "Your belly button is one of the last biological frontiers" still ranks as one of my favorite science-related blogs to date. I subsequently sent a request asking how to contribute a sample. Today I received a response.

The representative for the Belly Button Team pointed me to their work in general at Your Wild Life and also specifically to this link:

I submitted a request for kits to test my family. Hopefully the results aren't too flocculent. (I just had to work in my new word for today. Feel free to follow the definition link provided.)

Don't hold your breath for the results, though I promise to come back and blog about them. Apparently the Belly Button Biodiversity Project has received a tremendous amount of interest lately, so they may be a little slow in responding. The team's representative assured me that "we will get everything to you as fast as we can. Feel free to share this with your readers!"

Many thanks to The Belly Button Team representative who took the time to respond to my query in the midst of what sounds like a mad rush.


  1. Love your use of flocculent! (Had to look at the definition though. :) )

  2. Thank you, Amy! Words are fun! Yes, I'm a nerd. :)

  3. Woooo! Signed up for a kit for me and the hubs. Thanks for the hookup, Jimi. :)

  4. You're welcome! Even if it takes a while, the results should be worth the wait. Now for the important question: scrub or not scrub, while you wait for the kit?
